Thursday, January 29, 2009

White House Unbuttons Formal Dress Code -

White House Unbuttons Formal Dress Code -

Bush was a small man.
Far too small for his position.
His concerns were the concerns of small men.
Appearances.  Dress codes.  Punctuality.

I had a coach for a math teacher once.
He was far more concerned with making sure
we had our shirts tucked in and that our 
papers were stapled correctly than he was
with making sure we learned any math -

that is George W. Bush.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kevin Drum - Mother Jones Blog: Stimulus Pills

Kevin Drum - Mother Jones Blog: Stimulus Pills

"But here's the funny thing: culture war issues aside, this is probably pretty good stimulus. If you eliminate the requirement for states to get Medicaid waivers in order to fund family planning, lots of low-income women will take advantage of it, and they'll probably take advantage of it pretty quickly. That's a boon for the contraceptive industry and all the fine people who work in it. Just be sure to buy American!"

Sunday, January 25, 2009


IS PLANET OF THE APES GETTING REBOOTED AGAIN?: "But right now, in the halls of Fox, there is another new version of Planet of the Apes that has been kicking around for the last year. It's not a sequel to the Burton film, and it's not another remake of the original. To the general audience it's a prequel to Planet of the Apes, but for the initiated it's something totally different.

It's a remake of Conquest of the Planet of the Apes."

I really hope this gets made.  Conquest is my favorite of the ape films.  HAIL CEASAR!  I for one can't get enough of the monkey revolution!