Thursday, May 26, 2005

REAL ART (and politics and culture)

Ron talks about torture, Newsweek, etc...

REAL ART (and politics and culture):
"Look, this toilet flushing thing definitely happened, but for some odd reason Newsweek felt it had to retract the story. Public discourse is at the point such that it is virtually impossible to tell the truth without being dog-piled by the criminals who run this country. And the torture continues."

as usual he says a lot of things I wish I had...

When I was a kid my only thoughts of torture involved Nazi's...
No, I didn't fantasize about torturing Nazi's, but they were the only people I could imagine using torture...
"Ve have vays ov making you tahlk!"
Ya know what I'm saying?
People don't like you comparing Bush to Hitler
mostly cause that makes us like the German citizens who
went along to get along and all that,
but torture is not something you do in the name
of freedom, dignity, etc...
it's something you do because, well,
on some level you enjoy it...
it's not effective as an interrogation technique,
but I imagine in some twisted way it relieves tension
and allows folks to release misplaced anger...

I could go the conspiracy route and talk about the power Bush and his little coven get from sacrifices made in their name...
I could talk about the reptiles feeding off human pain...
I could talk about the cells at Abu Ghraib where the found evidence not of "torture" but ritual abuse...

but I know that when I talk about those things people tune out,
so let's just stick with the above and wonder what exactly WE are becoming....

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