Tuesday, May 09, 2006

File Under: Ron is right!

REAL ART (and politics and culture): "Everyone who sees how fucked up things are has a patriotic obligation to rant and rave in people's faces until, well, forever. That's what being an American is all about."

but I wonder what we do when ranting and raving aren't enough? what do we do then? do we rest easy knowing we tried to klang the warning bell? Is voting enough? Is marching? How do we even know when we've reached that point?

1 comment:

Ron said...

Yes, I am right. Heh. And to answer your questions, perhaps unsatisfyingly, my take is along the lines of that Hundredth Monkey book: if enough people are ranting and raving, some sort of threshold is crossed, and the culture changes. My bet is that we're just not getting in enough people's faces.