Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Digby helps put the torture thing in perspective...

Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - Freedom in music: "In March they were phoned from a tourist office, by some people who wanted to rent it for a month. They agreed to this, as they had no reason to suspect the people who wanted to rent, and it is not usual to ask for papers for such a short term deal. Unfortunately, unknown to them, the renters were two of the leading lights of ETA � the separatist Basque terrorist organisation."

Kent Carter and his wife rent their place to two folks...not asking for any papers or thing you know they've been placed under arrest, and although now cleared of all wrongdoing they are still not allowed to leave France...meaning Kent is having to cancel gigs...

go read the rest...


Monday, June 14, 2004 OLC's Aug. 1, 2002 Torture Memo ("the Bybee Memo"): "('the Bybee Memo')"
great breakdown ofthe latest torture memo...