Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Off the Kuff: Party hearty with Bacardi

Tom Delay

The moral: Don't drink Bacardi.

What they don't teach you in Texas

ahhh...all that pride Jim Hightower filled me with...
how quickly it fades...

More on Plame...
Ashcroft and Rove

Apparently Rove ran Ashcroft's campaign.
You know, the one where he lost to a dead man.

But I think this immeadiately disqualifies Ashcroft from investigating Rove.
Of course I guess the story is that nobody is investigating Rove.
Ian says "What's important isn't who you support, but just that you get involved. If you think Bush is great, well, get out there and support him. If you think he's terrible, you owe it to yourself to get out there and help somebody oust him."

I think if you support Bush, well, you shouldn't. SHAME ON YOU!
I don't feel bad about saying that at all.
Even if you're a Republican.
This is not business as usual.
I feel like I need to say these things while I still can.
I doubt I'll be able to blog from the camp.

"They're changing America, aren't they?"
Finished reading "Big Lies" and while I enjoyed it there wasn't much there I didn't already know. If you have a right winger you argue with regularly though you could just buy them this and have them read it. It does refute a lot of the ugliness they spat. However, he does attack Chomsky (o.k. only one sentence, but still unneccessary), and he doesn't attack Delay hard enough. In the Family Values chapter it's a real crime he doesn't mention the fact that Tom Delay doesn't even talk to his own mother. Now I can think of a lot of good reasons folks might be estranged from their parents, but I don't go writing legislation requiring posting the ten commandments to be posted in public schools... I think he needs to meditate on #5 for awhile...
Actually the one good thing I think you can say about Tom Delay concerns his work for foster kids...and I started to read something about that and then decided I should stop before they revealed that was some kind of fraud too.

After I finished the Conason I started reading the new Hightower book and so far it is, in a word, brilliant! Funny as Franken and as informative as Conason or Franken. He talks about a lot of things that I actually had never heard, and most of them are as frightening as the things we all know, if not more so. He does repeat something that Conason debunks in his book. He says Ken Lay stayed in the Lincoln bedroom as a guest of Clinton. Conason says that's a winger lie. He was a guest of Bush the Elder however. Conason says it was retracted only in one paper. I'll have the quotes tomorrow (left the book at work) Still, so far this book is amazing. Makes me proud to be a Texan.
He does have some interesting stuff about the idea of running government like a business, and what a horrible wrong-headed idea that is. I happen to agree, and will have that quote and some stuff about the mayoral race so far...
This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow: September 28, 2003 - October 04, 2003 Archives


keep reading talking points and atrios as well...
also important to respond to anything you see on right wing blogs downplaying the importance of this.

Monday, September 29, 2003

one more thing...
"Talk of the Nation" disappeared from KUHF today...
I was actually thinking about becoming a member,
but now I have to drive around listening to KTRU
during the mail run and I'm pretty danged unhappy about it...
if you like intelligent discourse on your radio e-mail John Proffitt (G.M. and C.F.O. of KUHF)
and ask him where it went and why...
I did, and I'll share my response here when I get one...

and write letters to the editor...
let folks know that leaking CIA operatives identity in a time of war is unacceptable...
even if Karl Rove does it...

btw, people are saying the leak was just "revenge", but it's more than that, even if in some way that's all it was...
when the administration takes "revenge" on someone who reveals their lies, what kind of message does that send
to other folks who might be inclined to call them on their shit?

think about it...

Sunday, September 28, 2003

o.k...the valerie plame issue is heating up...
as usual Atrios and Josh Marshall are on top of it...
this could be the one kids!
let's start calling our congressmen NOW demanding a full investigation!