Saturday, March 26, 2005
Dead Scientists
here's a little page full of tinfoil hatty goodness!
take for instance - Tanya Holzmayer, 46 and Guyang "Mathew" Huang, 38:
"Dr. Tanya Holzmayer, a pioneering scientist, was surprised Wednesday night to find a Domino's Pizza deliveryman at the front door of her Mountain View home. Moments later, a former colleague appeared out of the dark, shot her dead and ran off."
Dr. Holzmayer was a Russian born genomic scientist who had co-invented a tool that has helped find hundreds of molecular targets to combat cancer and HIV. Holzmayer and her family came to the United States in 1989. Until December, Holzmayer had served a four year tenure as senior vice president of genomics for PPD Discovery, a division of PPD Inc. of Wilmington, North Carolina. Her killer, said Mercury News, was Chinese immigrant Guyang Huang, a former colleague who began working as the director of molecular biology and bioinformatics with PPD Discovery in early 2000. Mercury News continued:
"Huang appeared from behind the deliveryman. He shot Holzmayer several times at close range in the chest and head. As Holzmayer fell in her doorway, Huang ran to a Ford Explorer and drove away. Less than an hour after the shooting, Huang called his wife, according to Foster City Police Capt. Craig Courtin. He told her about the shooting and that he was going to kill himself, then he hung up. Huang's wife called the emergency services and Foster City police used search dogs to comb the area.. They ran into a jogger who had seen Huang's body lying off the walkway that locals call "The Levee." He had fired a single bullet into his head, according to Robert Foucrault, San Mateo County's acting coroner. Police said that at this stage in their investigations there appeared to be no motive for the murder."
Fw: [IPCUSA] Dave Sim's 1st AARDVARK story, written by me, plus -- my band's page (my 2 songs are SOCIAL WORKER BLUES and LET THEM RISE...
Dave Sim's 1st AARDVARK story, written by me...
Celebrity Homeless List w/my name, plus JFK pages
about me...
This is a comic book oriented fan page with the
trenchcoat photo:
This is my column at Popimage:
This is a Canadian JFK page with the trenchcoat photo
This is from The Konformist magazine; scroll down to
get the trenchcoat photo cropped & with caption:
"sexiest JFK MK-ULTRA assassin alive":
This is from a professor at the University of Rhode
Island; no photo:
Satanic Reds T. Casey Brennan fan page...satire of
Hare Krishnas; has trenchcoat photo wreathed in
Anathema Research's original T. Casey Brennan archive
reposted with new material by the Mind Control
Forums, but no photo:
This is the NEW TCB fan page, with Clinton document,
but no photo:
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Fw: [IPCUSA] Photographer for White House child sex ring arrested after Thompson suicide
----- Original Message -----
From: "Milo"
To: "George"
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2005 6:28 AM
Subject: [IPCUSA] Photographer for White House child sex ring arrested after
Thompson suicide
Photographer tied to WH child sex-ring arrested after Thompson
The Justice Department, acting through the FBI and the U.S.
Attorney's Office in Omaha, emerges from the record of the Franklin
investigations not so much as a party to the cover-up, but as its
coordinator. Rigging grand juries, harassment of witnesses, incitement to
perjury and tampering with evidence--federal personnel were seen to apply
all of those techniques in the Franklin case. (John W. DeCamp, Esq., The
Franklin Cover-up, Second Edition, January 2005)
Bless the Beasts and the Children
Photographer for White House child sex ring arrested after
Thompson suicide
by Tom Flocco
WASHINGTON -- March 13, 2005 -- -- Photographer
Russell E. "Rusty" Nelson was recently arrested two days after journalist
Hunter Thompson reportedly committed suicide four weeks ago on February 10,
according to two phone interviews with attorney John DeCamp last week.
Nelson was allegedly employed by a former Republican Party
activist to take pictures of current or retired U.S. House-Senate members
and other prominent government officials engaging in sexual criminality by
receiving or committing sodomy and other sex acts on children during the
Reagan-Bush 41 administrations.
Hunter Thompson's death and the news blackout of Rusty Nelson's
simultaneous arrest raise questions that someone may be attempting to limit
Nelson's freedom or threaten him, since according to testimony, both men had
allegedly witnessed homosexual prostitution and pedophile criminal acts in a
suppressed but far-reaching child sex-ring probe closely linked to Senate
and House members--but also former President George H. W. Bush. [In U.S.
District Court testimony, Rusty Nelson told Judge Warren Urbom he took
20,000 to 30,000 pictures, 2-5-1999, p.52]
Pedophile victim Paul Bonacci--kidnapped and forced into sex
slavery between the ages of 6 and 17--told U.S. District Court Judge Warren
Urbom in sworn testimony [pp.105, 124-126] on February 5, 1999: "Where were
the parties?...down in Washington, DC...and that was for sex...There was sex
between adult men and other adult men but most of it had to do with young
boys and young girls with the older folks...specifically for sex with
minors...Also in Washington, DC, there were parties after a party...there
were a lot of parties where there would be senators and congressmen who had
nothing to do with the sexual stuff. But there were some senators and
congressmen who stayed for the [pedophile sex] parties afterwards...on a lot
of the trips he took us on he had us, I mean, I met some people that I don't
feel comfortable telling their name because I don't want to --- ...Q: Are
you scared?...Yes..."
DeCamp, a former Nebraska state senator and decorated Vietnam
War vet, told "there are tons of pictures still left; law
enforcement is currently looking for them," adding, "you can also assume
there are senators and congressmen implicated; otherwise this would not be
such a big issue." But no federal official has stepped forward to protect
Rusty Nelson's life, as Congress would be reluctant to hold hearings or
force a federal prosecutor to probe its own members for sex acts with
children--still punishable by law.
Sex with minors?
In his testimony before Judge Urbom, Bonacci specifically named
Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) as having participated in the parties--also
telling the judge he had "relationships with him" in Washington, DC and was
flown to Massachusetts for sex in the basement of Frank's Boston home.
[2-5-1999, p. 126]
However, Urbom did not subpoena all the photos and did not ask
Bonacci to identify photos of specific senators and congressmen, or reveal
their names in court transcripts and depositions we examined; nor did Judge
Urbom explain why investigations have never commenced regarding which
members of congress had sex with children.
The evidence DeCamp presented was so credible and substantial
that Urbom awarded Paul Bonacci $1 million for child abuse on February 19,
1999 regarding his lawsuit involving Larry King. This, despite a Nebraska
jury having already indicted Bonacci for perjury in 1990, ultimately sending
an intentionally damaged, spiritually and physically abused young man to
prison for five years--and despite his treatment by King, described in court
"They put guns up to my head. Had guns put in my mouth...Larry
King sent out boys, men, to jump me...he had them pretty well beat the tar
out of me from the waist down so nobody would see the marks...I had my
fingers broken...I can remember them burning me with hot
instruments...placing stuff inside me...almost what I call a cattle
prod...But it would be put inside then they'd shock me inside my -- ...Judge
Urbom: Anus?...Yes... And they would -- ...Judge: You mean electrically
heated?...They would put it in and then push a button and it would shock
me...Judge Urbom:..done by Larry King at his direction?...At his
"I threatened to go to the police in California, thought maybe
they would listen whereas in Omaha they were in his pocketbook...he had me
hung out of an airplane with a rope by my ankles...If they wanted to get
something passed through the legislature, he would put some people that were
against it in a compromising position. By using us boys and girls...Judge
Urbom: Was this by your being the sexual partner of that
person?...Yes...Judge Urbom: ...Any estimates of how often you participated
as the sexual partner of one of these persons that he wanted to get some
kind of control over?...There were times when it would be four or five in a
night...on probably a couple thousand times...sometimes dozens of times with
the same person..." [U.S. District Court testimony, 2-5-1999, pp. 146-151]
Curiously, Paul Bonacci told investigators that the sex ring was
based out of Offutt U.S. Air Force Base near Omaha, having been taken there
to be abused since he was three years old in 1970. At Offutt, Paul said he
was "trained" by tortures, heavy drugging and sexual degradation. [Offutt
AFB played a major role immediately following the 9/11 attacks as George W.
Bush made the base his post-attack headquarters for a short period.]
So intent upon his physical harm, the government "moved Bonacci
to different facilities--despite agreements worked out by DeCamp,
purposefully given food to which he was allergic while his weight dropped,
and denied a blanket for months...beaten several times in jail and placed
with potentially violent people associated with Larry King," according to
John DeCamp told us last week that "Larry King was released from
prison on April 11, 2001 after serving about five years," adding "he's back
in Washington, DC and now involved in this story again." [DeCamp's book
also said "King went to prison for embezzlement, conspiracy and making false
financial record entries...there was no trial on any other charges, and the
evidence of child prostitution and abuse perpetrated by King was never
presented in any court." Franklin Cover-up, p. 224]
John DeCamp just released an updated 2005 edition of his
original book about the secret White House-linked national child sex-ring
entitled The Franklin Cover-up [$12.95 + $4.00 shipping: contact for 2005 edition]. The carefully researched and
graphic expose involves convicted [and recently released from prison] GOP
operative Lawrence E. "Larry" King Jr. who allegedly hired photographers to
capture legislators and high officials in compromising sexual positions with
children while he managed the Franklin Federal Credit Union--according to
court testimony on 2-5-1999. [Franklin was raided by federal agencies and
shut down two days before George H. W. Bush was elected president in 1988.]
Past mysterious deaths, clandestine arrests, court testimony,
and credible evidence of FBI and CIA participation in their cover-up also
raise questions as to why elderly pedophile priests are removed from their
pulpits, prosecuted and imprisoned for sex acts committed 40 years ago and
why famous music entertainers are prosecuted for pedophilia; yet elderly
pedophile federal legislators may still remain in the U.S. House and
Senate--drawing a free pass for past criminal child-sex acts.
Regarding his role in taking blackmail photos of government
officials, Rusty Nelson confirmed Bonacci's testimony to Judge Urbom: "Q:
Children on the airplane?...yes. Q: How young?...There was one situation
went back to Washington, DC...he had probably 10, 12 years old...Q: Boys,
girls?...Both...Q: Who attended the parties?...Prominent business people,
very prominent high-ranking officials, politicians. The younger people. What
would transpire was they would have a party and then a party after the
party...after the party was more of a sex-type deal...That's what Larry
[King] would -- -- Q: These old politicians were having sex with each
other?...Or people Larry would bring...some younger people...Did you take
pictures of the parties?...I took pictures at some of the parties, yes..."
[U.S. District Court testimony, 2-5-1999, pp. 89-91]
After the Secret Service allowed Paul Bonacci to have access to
the White House on July 3, 1988, one of DeCamp's investigators said the
young pedophile victim was able to draw a floor-plan of the presidential
inside living quarters of the White House--an area not available to the
public--lending stong credence to a June 29, 1989 Washington Times front
page story, "Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan,
Bush," when reporters Paul Rodriguez and George Archibald said "Call-boys
took midnight tour of White House."
Presidential indiscretions--or criminal acts?
According to a Nebraska state police report, Nebraska Foster
Care Review Board letter to the Attorney General, Nebraska Senate's Franklin
committee investigative report, and a 50-page report by Omaha's Boys Town
welfare case officer Mrs. Julie Walters, pedophile victims Nelly and
Kimberly Webb detailed a massive child sex, homosexual and pornography
operation run out of Nebraska by Larry King--but with close ties directly to
the White House.
Mrs. Walter's Nebraska Dept. of Social Services report (3-25-86)
revealed: "[14 year-old] Nelly said at these trip parties hosted by Larry
King, she sat naked 'looking pretty and innocent' and guests could engage in
any sexual activity they wanted, but penetration was not allowed...Nellysaid
she first met V. P. George Bush at the Republican Convention where King sang
the national anthem, and saw Bush again at a Washington, DC party Larry
hosted...Last year [1985] she met V.P. Bush and saw him at one of the
parties Larry gave while on a Washington, DC trip. At some of the parties
there are just men (as was the case at the party George Bush
attended)...Nelly said she has seen sodomy committed at those parties."
The Walters report continued: "On December 19, 1988, Nelly was
contacted and voluntarily came to the FBI offices on December 30, 1988. She
was interviewed by [FBI agents] Brady, Tucker and September or
October, 1984 when Lisa was 14 she went to Chicago with Larry King and 15-20
boys from Omaha...She indicates she attended a party in Chicago with King
and the male youths. She indicated George Bush was present...she sat at a
table at the party wearing nothing but a negligee. She stated George Bush
saw her on the table. She stated she saw George Bush pay King money and Bush
left the party with a nineteen year old black boy named Brent. Lisa said the
party Bush attended was in Chicago in September or October 1984. The Chicago
Tribune of October 31, 1984 said Bush was in Illinois campaigning for
congressional candidates at the end of October."
Bush 41 surfaced again in Lowe's May, 1989 review of reports by
Thomas Vlahoulis from the state attorney general's office: "Sorenson told
Vlahoulis that both Kimberly and Nelly [Webb] brought up the name of George
Bush and indicated that they had both met him..."
In spite of four polygraph tests administered by a Nebraska
state trooper who said he was convinced Nelly was telling the truth, a
Washington country, Nebraska judge in December, 1990 ignored Julie Walter's
50-page report, numerous debriefings of the girls by foster care officials
and youth workers stating the sisters told the truth--specifically about
George Bush Sr., and dismissed all charges against their foster parents
Jarrett and Barbara Webb, who Nelly and Kimberly said had allowed them to be
Regarding his role in taking blackmail photos of government
officials, recently re-arrested Rusty Nelson confirmed Bonacci's testimony
to Judge Urbom: "Q: Children on the airplane?...yes. Q: How young?...There
was one situation went back to Washington, DC he had probably 10, 12 years
old...Q: Boys, girls?...Both...Q: Who attended the parties?...Prominent
business people, very prominent high-ranking officials, politicians. The
younger people. What would transpire was they would have a party and then a
party after the party...after the party was more of a sex-type deal...That's
what Larry [King] would -- -- Q: These old politicians were having sex with
each other?...Or people Larry would bring...some younger people...Did you
take pictures of the parties?...I took pictures at some of the parties,
yes..." [U.S. District Court testimony, 2-5-1999, pp. 89-91]
Gosch to Guckert to Gannon?
Cable television news reports have recently linked an alleged
male prostitute to the present White House since George W. Bush permitted
James Guckert to use an unprecedented Secret Service-approved alias (Jeff
Gannon) while having access to the White House for two years as a pool
reporter serving the younger Bush--before which Gannon had advertised
himself on internet pornography sites as a male "escort" charging $200 an
hour. [Gannon is the subject of independent news reports which have referred
to him as the former kidnapped Des Moines, Iowa paperboy Johnny
Gosch--forced into child sex-slavery.] John DeCamp told this writer "I
believe Johnny Gosch and Jeff Gannon are one and the same person--but I am
not in a position to know positively."
During a recent phone interview, Noreen Gosch told
that she is still not sure whether her missing son Johnny is in fact James
Gannon, because she has "not seen enough evidence." But having been abducted
in 1982, Johnny Gosch would now be about 35-36 years old. Gannon claims to
be 47 but his "male4male" website escorts profile lists him as 31 in 2000,
which would also make him 35-36 years old today.
George W. Bush has not explained how Guckert/Gannon--who had
advertised himself as a male escort--could apparently operate in the White
House as a reporter for two years using a Secret Service-approved alias and
regularly be called upon by George W. Bush and press secretary Scott
McClellan during nationally televised presidential press conferences.
Questions can be raised as to whether Gannon also had access to
the White House living quarters as Paul Bonacci and other call-boys did
during his father's administration--as the Washington Times reported. Photos
of George W. Bush and Jeff Gannon together indicate that they have a cordial
personal relationship.
Noreen Gosch said her son Johnny is living under an assumed name
after being abducted on September 5, 1982 while serving his Sunday morning
paper route. During a clandestine visit from her son when he was 27 or 28,
Mrs. Gosch said Johnny told her he was taken by a highly organized, very
corporate global pedophile/pornography ring--linked to the Washington, DC
congressional call-boy scandal during the 1980's.
Hunter Thompson directed child murder-sex film?
A controversial author, Hunter Thompson was allegedly linked
to Larry King as implicated in Paul Bonacci's testimony in which the
pedophile victim revealed that Thompson directed a graphic 'snuff' film
[Franklin Cover-up, pp.102-105 & 327] made near Sacramento, California at a
location called "Bohemian Grove."
Bonacci--flown numerous times across state lines for sexual
exploitation to Washington, DC and other cities--testified on videotape
[5-14-1990] for Nebraska State Police investigator Gary Caradori. Bonacci
said that while on a trip to Sacramento, he was forced at gun-point to
commit homosexual acts on another boy before he watched other men do the
same--after which the boy was shot in the head.
In separate testimony, Decamp said Bonacci told him "Larry King
was smiling and laughing the whole time the film was being the
men watched, they passed Nicholas [another victim] and me around as if we
were toys, and sexually abused us." [U.S. District Court, 2-5-1999,
Bonacci's testimony has been evaluated as credible and
well-informed by leading child abuse experts, psychiatrists, psychologists
and polygraph tests; and he has also testified that he was forced to lure
Johnny Gosch into being kidnapped--considered by many to be the most
notorious U.S. child sex-slavery case.
Protecting legislators at the expense of children
John Decamp told that Franklin child-abuse witness
"Alisha Owen was convicted of lying that as a minor, she had sex with Omaha
Chief of Police Robert Wadman. She was placed in solitary confinement for
years--the most brutal treatment of a female inmate in Nebraska history for
a first-time offense," to which Decamp added, "it was done to keep her
silent and away from other inmates, but also as a warning to the other
21 year-old Alisha Jahn Owen was sentenced on August 8, 1991 to
serve nine to twenty-seven years in prison for telling a grand jury that she
was sexually abused as a juvenile by a Nebraska District Court judge, by
Omaha's Chief of Police, by the manager of the Franklin Credit Union, and
DeCamp said "Alisha witnessed abuse of other children and
functioned as an illegal drug courier traveling nationwide for some of
Nebraska's wealthiest, most powerful and prominent businessmen." But a local
and a federal grand jury indicted the victim-witnesses for perjury--throwing
the key young people in prison to cover up child-sex and illegal drugs.
The Nebraska State Senate's primary Franklin Committee
investigator Gary Caradori's March 14, 1990 notes revealed that on the day
of the federal agents' raid on Franklin Credit Union, "a large amount of
pornographic material was taken out of the credit union, including videos
and photographs depicting sexual acts. I was told that if Friedrichs or any
of the other people working for the CPA firm contacted by the government
[audit] would say anything, they would automatically lose their jobs."
That evidence was never made available to the Nebraska Senate's
Franklin Committee, nor was its existence publicly acknowledged by the FBI;
and all raid warrants were sealed by United States Magistrate Richard
Kopf--the same court official who ordered to have Larry King taken by
federal agents to a federal psychiatric facility for "tests," on February 7,
1990 as President George H. W. Bush was coming to Omaha for a fundraising
Alisha Owen testified to the Franklin Committee on June 11, 1990
that the FBI attempted to influence federal witness testimony--that her
former lawyer Pam Vuchetich had come to see her in the spring: "giving a
proposal from the FBI that if I recanted my story then nothing would happen
to me; I could get out of prison and no charges would ever be brought
against me...they would write letters to the judge asking for my sentence
Her parents, Donna and Alvin Owen told the committee about the
incident on June 21, 1990: "Q: You testified that your husband was
there?...sitting in the living room, I remember...Q: Did she tell you who in
the FBI made that deal, made that offer to her?...Mickey Mott...He works
closely with Rick Culver and John Pankonon...
Curiously, state policeman Gary Caradori, died July 11, 1990 in
a small-plane explosion, one month after FBI officials attempted to coerce a
key child witness to recant her testimony--and even though a deputy sheriff
first at the crash site said there was child pornography scattered all over
the farmer's field and the farmer said he witnessed the plane exploding in
mid-air before crashing to the ground.
Johnny Gosch's mother, Noreen, said "undisclosed sources told
her the FBI immediately arrived with three flatbed trucks [modus operandi of
FBI and Gov. Jeb Bush confiscating 9/11 hijacker documents at Venice,
Florida's Huffman flight school?], grabbed the evidence from the sheriff's
hands, cordoned off the field, walked the field, picked up every piece of
evidence, took the plane and all its parts and put it on the flatbed trucks,
and told the peace officer, 'This is confidential information and don't ever
speak of it again.' The evidence has never surfaced again in Nebraska's
Franklin investigation or any other investigation." [Ted Gunderson Report,
June 28, 2000]
DeCamp's book reveals more clear evidence of witness tampering
and possible accessory to murder: On the evening of July 11, 1990, the day
her husband crashed to his death, Sandie Caradori received several phone
calls from [key Franklin child-abuse witness] Troy Boner. She wrote in her
notes: "I am familiar with his voice and can be 100% assured that I did in
fact receive telephone calls from him...Troy: Gary wasn't lying. He didn't
tell me what to say. What I told him was the truth. (He spoke rapidly,
fighting back tears) They made me take it back. They threatened me...You
don't understand, they threatened me. They made me take it back. I was so
scared..." [pp. 186-187]
In 1990, according to DeCamp, "Troy Boner was going to provide
the information in open court, under oath, that would blow the lid off the
Franklin case and force a new trial for Alisha Owen...As Troy came into the
courthouse, he was immediately ushered into a private room by county
judicial authorities...the hearing was delayed for one hour...Troy was in
the room with a "Special Attorney" and with other officials from the
prosecutor's office--the very same prosecutorial team Troy was about to
testify against."
"...Troy leaned over and whispered to me, "Oh God, forgive me.
They guaranteed if I talk here today, they will put me away for twenty
years...told me I would be charged with perjury for my original testimony if
I opened my mouth today in court...Look what they did to Alisha...Look what
they did to my brother." [found dead after playing "Russian Roulette"]
DeCamp's 2005 edition incredibly reveals, "In late 2003 [just
before the 2004 election campaign started to heat up], Troy Boner [key
abused child witness to national sex-ring] walked into a hospital in New
Mexico screaming "they're after me, they're after me because of this book."
The book Boner was waving was The Franklin Cover-up. Boner was '...mildly
sedated and calmed down...and put in a private room for observation.' "
"When nurses came back to check on him early next morning, Boner
was sitting in a chair, bleeding from the mouth and quite dead. Former FBI
Los Angeles Bureau Chief Ted Gunderson tried to get autopsy and other
information and details that were promised him on Boner's death, but
Gunderson and apparently every other entity, were totally shut out of all
information. No news stories were published on Boner's death despite his
"notoriety" in the Franklin case." (John DeCamp, The Franklin Cover-up)
Another witness was gone.
DeCamp added that the FBI had also confiscated Larry King's
flight manifests from various airline charter companies, thus helping to
cover up proof of sexual exploitation of children and interstate
transportation of minors across state lines for sexual purposes.
Washington, DC: child sodomy hotbed?
Rusty Nelson's quick arrest following on the heels of Hunter
Thompson's 'suicide' and alleged assertions that Jeff Gannon could be Johnny
Gosch may all have serious criminal implications, as Thompson and Nelson
were said to be closely linked to child sexual criminality at the highest
levels of government--acts still punishable by law and easily meriting
cover-up attempts by powerful forces.
Paul Bonacci, forced to help kidnap Johnny Gosch into
sex-slavery, also told Franklin Committee investigators he toured the White
House at midnight on July 3, 1988 with Craig Spence--a lobbyist and
political operative who arranged male prostitute visits to the White House
but who turned up dead himself just three months after the 6-29-89
Washington Times call-boy headline. The police were quick to call a suicide.
Spence had "hinted the tours were arranged by 'top-level'
persons, including Donald Gregg, national security advisor to Vice-President
Bush," according to the Washington Times [8-9-89], adding, "Spence,
according to friends, was also carrying out homosexual blackmail operations
for the CIA."
Spence and Gregg were reportedly close friends, as Spence had
sponsored a dinner in Gregg's honor in the spring of 1989 at Washington posh
Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown just before the White House prostitution
scandal broke at the beginning of the Bush 41 tenure. [George Bush: The
Unauthorized Biography, Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, Chapter
A June 30, 1989 Washington Times report said "Rep. Barney Frank,
Massachusetts Democrat and a self-proclaimed homosexual who several weeks
ago threatened to reveal a list of Republican homosexuals in Congress, said
he was 'not surprised' by the revelations."
The Times also said [8-25-1989], "A male prostitute convicted of
drug trafficking and sex offenses against a minor used the Chevy Chase
Elementary School in late 1987 to run his prostitution operation after the
school's principal began buying sex from him."
"The call-boy was allowed to sleep and use phones in the school
even after the principal left at 5 p.m., while teachers and the children
were still involved in after-school activities such as chorus," said the
principal, Gabriel A. Massaro, who also revealed "he had a four-year
relationship with the prostitute and provided him with a guidance
counselor's office and telephone at the model 'magnet school' even while
children were in classes elsewhere in the building."
Also according to the Times, "Massaro acknowledged that he
attended a meeting between Davis and his Alexandria probation officer at the
Capitol Hill home of Rep. Barney Frank, Massachusetts Democrat, another
client whose home the call-boy used to perform sexual services." The paper
did not reveal the age or name of the call-boy or whether he serviced
Congressman Frank.
A clearly unethical and likely illegal presidential appointment
was also linked to the White House child sex-ring: "In August, 1990, Bush
appointed Ronald Roskens of Nebraska to head the Agency for International
Development (AID). Roskens had been fired the previous year as chancellor of
the University of Nebraska, where Larry King was a member of his advisory
[State Police "Franklin" investigator] Gary Caradori's daily
notes for February 19, 1989 record: 'I was informed that Roskens was
terminated by the state because of sexual activities reported to the Regents
and verified by them. Mr. Roskens was reported to have had young men at his
residence for sexual encounters." [Franklin Cover-up, p.177]
DeCamp added that AID assignments have been used as a "cover" by
CIA agents; and in spite of Roskens' sexual background and termination by
Nebraska educators and his clear potential for being blackmailed, President
Bush appointed him anyway.
Karl: 'Rove'ing DC, approving 'special' WH press passes?
The extent to which White House Senior Domestic Policy Advisor
Karl Rove played a part in approving the Gucket/Gannon White House press
passes is not known.
However, CBS News spoke of a Rove-Gannon connection, saying
"Gannon's aggressively partisan work and the ease with which he got day
passes for the White House press room the past two years make it hard to
believe that he wasn't at least implicitly sanctioned by the "boy genius."
Following on the heels of Guckert-Gannon, Walter Storch, editor
of the Barnes Review News reported a three weeks ago that "Karl Rove was
seen by one of my people entering a private homosexual orgy at a five-star
Washington hotel over the Mid-Atlantic Leather (MAL) weekend last year."
A Barnes reporter told Storch that "Karl greatly enjoyed the
supervision of a certain hairy 350-lb. Leather Dominator who had won the
Miss Virginia Daddy Bear title at the MAL festivities."
Storch wrote, "Karl used to hang out a JR's, which is on 17th
between P & S streets, before he became so well-known. This is a respectable
gay bar for discreet people...," adding, "there is an expensive
apartment...over near Dupont Circle that certain powerful senators take
turns visiting with their pickups."
"Bush, via Karl Rove, was projected as a moral man who would
return a hedonistic America to the simpler virtues of a bygone era. A large
part of the American public, unhappy with what they saw as debilitating
liberalism, abortion on demand, gay marriage and other forms of moral decay,
put Bush back in office," said the Barnes editor.
"Now they have to deal with rampant male whores prancing around
the White House in consort with a small army of closet queens, all of whom
very obviously have the ear, and the confidence, (and hopefully, that's all
they have) of their 'moral' choice for President," said Storch.
Interestingly, also counts "one Supreme Court
Justice, several governors (all Republican) and at least one very prominent
televangelist" among those high officials who are saying one thing and doing
another with respect to Storch's closet queen issue.
While American citizens watch, unanswered questions remain as
Democrats and Republicans ignore young witnesses with clear and credible
evidence--refusing to hold each other's legislators criminally accountable
for their unspeakable crimes against children.
Andy Stephenson and Mary Schneider contributed to this report.
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Friday, March 25, 2005
Where in Washington, D.C. is Sun Myung Moon?: Preacher clamps down on leaks after Moon threatens sale of Times
"...You will not have any regret about going to the spirit world if you live correctly and bring the peace kingdom to the world. Work with the United Nations. With this, I can say that we have completed everything.
There remains the final 8-year course from now until the year 2012 and the kingship of the physical and spiritual world."
Even Rev. Moon, who is a pretty high muckety-muck (if you ask him), knows about 2012...
New Art: The (digitally) forgotten art form
"Where is performance art on the net? There are tens of blogs about the fine arts, and not a single blog about performance art, or even performing arts (a much broader term) for that matter! Here is my hypothesis: I suppose that translates into one conclusion: nobody cares."
Well there's a post designed to raise a ruckus...
and yet no comments yet, so I guess nobody does care.
I'm sure there are other equally good explanations,
but I'm tired. I just got home from work. Every one I come up with I manage to shoot down before I begin to type it up.
So, what I'm saying is go over to New Art and tell vvoi
why you think there are no blogs by performance artists or for or about performance art on the internets...
New Art: Beyond Banksy
well, there are several other "guerrilla" artists out there also worth the interest. i've just written about it on my blog.
and sure enough he has -
New Art: Beyond Banksy
"Banksy was obviously not the first rebel with a cause (though his is not too inventive: 'These Galleries are just trophy cabinets for a handful of millionaires. The public never has any real say in what art they see.') . An old article in the Guardian gives several more examples. There's even a book about purposeful destruction of art (The Destruction of Art by Dario Gamboni) - you can read this pretty crazy book's description at Amazon)."
eno e-mail blogging - I took out all the ordering info at the end...
you can find the DMG site if you wanna order from them though I'm sure...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Downtown Music Gallery"
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 4:39 PM
BRIAN ENO - More Music For Films [aka Music For Films II...Plus]
(Astralwerks 63649; USA) NEVER BEFORE RELEASED ON CD! (With Robert Fripp,
Fred Frith, John Cale, Phil Manzanera, Phil Collins, Percy Jones, Dave
Mattacks, Paul Rudolph, Bill MacCormick, Rod Melvin, Rhett Davies, Daniel
Lanois, Roger Eno) This a new compilation combining all 14 tracks from the
'Music For Films The Director's Edition' promo (1976) [only 500 were issued
for distribution to film directors] which didn't subsequently appear on the
commercially released album 'Music For Films', plus the 6 tracks from 'Music
for Films Volume 2' [the LP that only appeared in a boxset of Eno's Lps]
which did not subsequently appear on the Apollo album.
CD $15.00
BRIAN ENO - Music For Films (Astralwerks 63646; USA) 2005 Remaster (With
Robert Fripp, Fred Frith, John Cale, Phil Manzanera, Phil Collins, Percy
Jones, Dave Mattacks, Paul Rudolph, Bill MacCormick, Rod Melvin, Rhett
Davies). Recorded intermittently between 1975 and 1978 and originally
released only privately as a library edition (with a somewhat different set
of cuts) for the film industry, Music for Films compiles moody, instrumental
electronic pieces intended as soundtrack material for imaginary motion
pictures; the songs are brief and fragmentary, ranging from the haunting
"Sparrowfall" to the luminous, densely layered "Quartz." -- Jason Ankeny AMG
CD $15
BRIAN ENO With DANIEL LANOIS & ROGER ENO - Apollo: Atmospheres And
Soundtracks (Astralwerks 63647; USA) 2005 Remaster. An exquisite experiment,
Apollo is Eno's spacescapes [commisioned for a NASA documentary] arranged
with some heavenly pedal steel guitar by Daniel Lanois and dreamy piano
motifs from brother Roger's Satie-esque sensibilties . The recording engulfs
the listener and captures the feel of space travel, weightlessness, and
other sensations vividly. It's also perhaps Eno's warmest record ever. In
the end, it comes off sounding not unlike a Grateful Dead experiment, with
Lanois ' lazy pedal steel sounding quite similar to Jerry Garcia 's playing
on David Crosby 's "Laughing." An excellent nighttime vehicle. -- Matthew
Greenwald AMG
CD $15
BRIAN ENO - Thursday Afternoon (Astralwerks 63648; USA) 2005 Remaster Eno's
creative endeavors shifted in the mid-'80s to sound-and-light installations,
involving unconventional use of video monitors. This CD-only 1985 album was
conceived as the soundtrack to one of his experimental videos, which,
believe it or not, can be viewed properly only with the TV on its side. This
uninterrupted 61-minute piece is probably the first recording created
specifically to take advantage of the length of the CD format. Muted piano
notes hang suspended in the air, while a soft monochordal synthesizer
ambience slowly and subtly unfolds. Perhaps more than any other of his
works, Thursday Afternoon epitomizes what Eno calls his "holographic"
compositional style, where any brief section of the music is truly
representative of the whole. The mood here is spacious and distinctly
contemplative. -- Backroads Music/Heartbeats AMG
CD $15
"Using Brian Eno's original analogue masters as the source, remastering
engineer Simon Heyworth has employed Class A' Analogue Electronics combined
with the most advanced Analogue to Digital conversion techniques available.
Using an ATR analog mastering deck with Aria Reference Series class A
discrete electronics, Simon Heyworth was able to coax a higher level of
fidelity out of these recordings than ever before heard, while keeping the
orignal mastering intact. The result is a clarity and depth of sound to
these albums not heard since their initial playback in the recording studio.
And more important, no attempts have been made to re-equalize, remix or in
any way tamper with the original EQ'ed analogue production masters. These
"Original Masters" sound just as Brian Eno originally intended them to be
The previous eight remasters from 2004 in reverse chronlogical order
BRIAN ENO - On Land: Ambient 4 (Astralwerks 66499; USA) 2004 Remaster
(With Bill Laswell, Jon Hassell, Michael Brook, Alex Gross, and Dan Lanois).
On Land represented a significant move away from the strategies Brian Eno
had employed in earlier ambient releases such as Discreet Music and Music
for Airports . Instead of using a specific process to generate music with
minimal interference from the composer, he here opts for a more gestural and
intuitive approach, creating dreamy pictures of some specific geographical
points or evocative memories of them. It's quite easy to imagine these works
as soundtracks to mysterious footage of imprecisely glimpsed landscapes. On
Land is an album that would become highly influential with the rising tide
of new age composers, though few if any would capture the chilly beauty or
latent romanticism that is part and parcel of Eno. The first piece, "Lizard
Point," includes an early recorded performance of Bill Laswell on bass, and
one imagines that his association with Eno was a crucial factor in the
ambient directions his later work would sometimes take. On Land remains a
landmark event in the genre, as well as one of its high-water marks, and
sounds entirely up to date 20 years after its initial release. A superb
effort. -- Brian Olewnick AMG
CD $15
HAROLD BUDD/BRIAN ENO - The Plateaux Of Mirror: Ambient 2 (Astralwerks
66497; USA) 2004 Remaster The second in Brian Eno 's ambient series, The
Plateaux of Mirrors fuses the fragile piano melodies of Harold Budd and the
atmospheric electronics of Eno to create a lovely, evocative work. In sharp
contrast to the exaggerated pieces found on his debut, The Pavilion of
Dreams , this record finds Budd delivering sharp shards of piano notes
pregnant with meaning and minimal in the best sense of the word. Eno 's
unobtrusive electronics add a resonance and atmosphere that draw from the
ambient textures found on Discreet Music ,Music for Films , and Evening Star
. The album's best moments evoke their subject matter efficaciously and
effortlessly; "First Light" creates an audible early morning chill, "An Arc
of Doves" employs flights of Frippertronics , "Not Yet Remembered" seesaws
between sleep and consciousness, and so on. Although neither artist is a
musician in the usual sense of the word -- Budd's piano playing is still
somewhat limited here -- they excel as musical painters. The wisps of
synthesizer that snake through the rattling percussion of "Wind in Lonely
Fences," the wistful melody held at a remote distance in "Among Fields of
Crystal," the unbounded edges of the piano notes on "Above Chiangmai" --
these wash over the listener in a suffusion of sound. The Plateaux of
Mirrors remains a fascinating hybrid (as are many of Eno 's collaborations),
reflecting the uniqueness of both composers in a most flattering light. --
David Connolly AMG
CD $15
BRIAN ENO - Music For Airports: Ambient 1 (Astralwerks 66495; USA) 2004
Remaster (With Robert Wyatt on piano, and the voices of Christa Fast,
Christine Gomez, and Inga Zeininger). Four subtle, slowly evolving pieces
grace Eno's first conscious effort at creating ambient music. The composer
was in part striving to create music that approximated the effect of visual
art. Like a fine painting, these evolving soundscapes don't require constant
involvement on the part of the listener. They can hang in the background and
add to the atmosphere of the room, yet the music also rewards close
attention with a sonic richness absent in standard types of background or
easy-listening music. -- Linda Kohanov AMG
CD $15
BRIAN ENO - Before And After Science (Astralwerks 77292; USA) 2004 Remaster
(With Robert Fripp, Fred Frith, Phil Manzanera, Phil Collins, Percy Jones,
Dave Mattacks, Paul Rudolph, Bill MacCormick, Jaki Liebezeit, Brian
Turrington, Achim Roedelius, Mobi Moebius, Andy Fraser). Before and
After Science is really a study of "studio composition" whereby recordings
are created by deconstruction and elimination: tracks are recorded and
assembled in layers, then selectively subtracted one after another,
resulting in a composition and sound quite unlike that at the beginning of
the process. Despite the album's pop format, the sound is unique and strays
far from the mainstream. Eno also experiments with his lyrics, choosing a
sound-over-sense approach. When mixed with the music, these lyrics create a
new sense or meaning, or the feeling of meaning, a concept inspired by
abstract sound poet Kurt Schwitters (epitomized on the track "Kurt's
Rejoinder," on which you actually hear samples from Schwitters '
"Ursonate"). Before and After Science opens with two bouncy, upbeat cuts:
"No One Receiving," featuring the offbeat rhythm machine of Percy Jones and
Phil Collins (Eno regulars during this period), and "Backwater." Jones '
analog delay bass dominates on the following "Kurt's Rejoinder," and he and
Collins return on the mysterious instrumental "Energy Fools the Magician."
The last five tracks (the entire second side of the album format) display a
serenity unlike anything in the pop music field. These compositions take on
an occasional pastoral quality, pensive and atmospheric. Cluster joins Eno
on the mood-evoking "By This River," but the album's apex is the final cut,
"Spider and I." With its misty emotional intensity, the song seems at once
sad yet hopeful. The music on Before and After Science at times resembles
Another Green World ("No One Receiving") and Here Come the Warm Jets
("King's Lead Hat") and ranks alongside both as the most essential Eno
material. -- David Ross Smith AMG
CD $15
BRIAN ENO - Another Green World (Astralwerks 77291; USA) 2004 Remaster
(With Robert Fripp, JohnCale, Phil Collins, Percy Jones, Ian McDonald, Phil
Manzanera, Brian Turrington, Paul Rudolph, and Rod Melvin). A
universally acknowledged masterpiece, Another Green World represents a
departure from song structure and toward a more ethereal, minimalistic
approach to sound. Despite the stripped-down arrangements, the album's
sumptuous tone quality reflects Eno's growing virtuosity at handling the
recording studio as an instrument in itself (a la Brian Wilson ). There are
a few pop songs scattered here and there ("St. Elmo's Fire," "I'll Come
Running," "Golden Hours"), but most of the album consists of deliberately
paced instrumentals which, while often closer to ambient music than pop, are
both melodic and rhythmic; many, like "Sky Saw," "In Dark Trees," and
"Little Fishes," are highly imagistic, like paintings done in sound which
actually resemble their titles. Lyrics are infrequent, but when they do pop
up, they follow the free-associative style of albums past; this time,
though, the humor seems less bizarre than gently whimsical and addled,
fitting perfectly into the dreamlike mood of the rest of the album. Most of
Another Green World is like experiencing a soothing, dream-filled slumber
while awake, and even if some of the pieces have dark or threatening
qualities, the moments of unease are temporary, like a passing nightmare
whose feeling lingers briefly upon waking but whose content is forgotten.
Unlike some of his later, full-fledged ambient work, Eno's gift for
melodicism and tight focus here keep the entirety of the album in the
forefront of the listener's consciousness, making it the perfect
introduction to his achievements even for those who find ambient music
difficult to enjoy. -- Steve Huey AMG
CD $15
BRIAN ENO - Discreet Music (Astralwerks 66493; USA) 2004 Eno's first
instrumental album [not counting the two Fripp & Eno releases] from 1975
The Pachelbel piece [2nd half of the album] features the Cockpit Ensemble
conducted by Gavin Bryars. Taking a cue from Satie 's idea of "musique
d'ameublement" (furniture music), music that just exists like furnishings in
an apartment, played so as not to draw attention to itself (not really
Muzak, a company which seeks to produce a more intentional work-product
effect), Eno created several albums of what he termed "ambient music" which
combined a softer style of pattern music (influenced by Bryars ,Nyman
,Harold Budd ) with environmental noises. Discreet Music is probably the
best of these, using an Oliveros -style tape delay arrangement to slowly
change patterns of repeating sounds. -- "Blue" Gene Tyranny AMG
CD $15
BRIAN ENO - Taking Tiger Mountain By Strategy (Astralwerks 77288; USA) 2004
Remaster Continuing the twisted pop explorations of Here Come the Warm Jets
, Eno's sophomore album (with backing from an all star lineup including Phil
Manzanera, Robert Wyatt, Andy Mackay, Phil Collins, Brian Turrington et al),
Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) , is more subdued and cerebral, and a
bit darker when he does cut loose, but it's no less thrilling once the music
reveals itself. It's a loose concept album -- often inscrutable, but still
playful -- about espionage, the Chinese Communist revolution, and dream
associations, with the more stream-of-consciousness lyrics beginning to
resemble the sorts of random connections made in dream states. Eno's richly
layered arrangements juxtapose very different treated sounds, yet they blend
and flow together perfectly, hinting at the directions his work would soon
take with the seamless sound paintings of Another Green World . Taking Tiger
Mountain is made accessible through Eno's mastery of pop song structure, a
form he would soon transcend and largely discard. -- Steve Huey AMG
CD $15
BRIAN ENO - Here Come The Warm Jets (Astralwerks 77293; USA) 2004 Remaster
Eno's solo debut from 1973, Here Come the Warm Jets , is a spirited,
experimental collection of unabashed pop songs on which Eno mostly reprises
his Roxy Music role as "sound manipulator," taking the lead vocals but
leaving much of the instrumental work to various studio cohorts (including
ex- Roxy mates Phil Manzanera, Andy Mackay, and Paul Thompson, as well as
Robert Fripp, John Wetton, Chris Spedding, Busta Cherry Jones, Bill
MacCormick, Paul Rudolph, Nick Judd, Lloyd Watson, Nick Cool). Eno's
compositions are quirky, whimsical, and catchy, his lyrics bizarre and often
free-associative, with a decidedly dark bent in their humor ("Baby's on
Fire," "Dead Finks Don't Talk"). Yet the album wouldn't sound nearly as
manic as it does without Eno's wildly unpredictable sound processing; he
coaxes otherworldly noises and textures from the treated guitars and
keyboards, layering them in complex arrangements or bouncing them off one
another in a weird cacophony. Avant-garde yet very accessible, Here Come the
Warm Jets still sounds exciting, forward-looking, and densely detailed,
revealing more intricacies with every play. -- Steve Huey AMG
CD $15
An Idiot's Guide to Dreaming: Big Black Ley Line
The album is in many ways the ultimate teen fuck off. Big Black were rocket guitar fuelled inyerface blankness in a time when Ecstacy was creeping around the edges and everyone was finding love in amongst the trees. It was a matter of honour that you played this album as loud as possible (peversely, it's mastered about 10% quieter than almost every album I own) and that you used it as some kind of log-jam between your inevitably (in Somserset) emerging hippie tendencies. Get some hippies round, start them rolling with some mushrooms and the (for us) newly discovered mysteries of early Pink Floyd and Gong and then, at the peak of the flash, whack on Throbbing Gristle or Big Black to give everyone the fear.
I missed the ecstacy - but I didn't miss Big Black...
go listen to "The Power of Independent Trucking" (available to d/l if you just follow the link) really loud and pretend your pissing off your parents... - Prosecutor: Blake jurors were 'incredibly stupid' - Mar 24, 2005
"Prosecutor: Blake jurors were 'incredibly stupid'"
Yeah, I mean it couldn't be that the prosecutor just sucked could it?
If my job is to convince you of something and I fail
the fault does not lie with you
if it does then I was set up to fail
all along...
MSNBC - Can the economy handle inflation?
"Can the economy handle inflation?"
What a stupid question.
Will the economy just cease to exist if inflation happens?
The economy is nothing but an aggregate of data...
I think it'll survive anything...
I know what they mean, but talk of an abstract economy doesn't really do us much good. Does it? I mean I'm broke...bottom line for me is I don't care what "the economy" can or can't handle...
I'm broke...I can't handle inflation unless it's on shit I ain't buying know, like yachts...
Failed Superhero Catchphrases
“I admit I am powerless over alcohol and that my life has become unmanageable.”
more funny for your inner geek!
“I have created the worlds first conservative comic”
The New York City faction of F.O.I.L. is lead by Sean Hannity, G. Gordon Liddy and Oliver North, each uniquely endowed with special abilities devised by a biomechanical engineer affectionately named “Oscar”. F.O.I.L. is soon to be joined by a young man named Reagan McGee. Reagan was born on September 11th, 2001. Reagan has grown to manhood in an ultra-liberal educational system: being told, not asked, what to think. With personal determination, which alienates him from his contemporaries, he has chosen the path less traveled…the path to the Right.
Not something Warren himself wrote...
something posted on a message board...
but never has my desire to be a supervillian been so strong.
Friday Eno Blogging - IN DEFENSE OF BRIAN ENO
"Brian Eno did not Ruin U2! "
I get to link to Real Art and an Eno discussion...
There's already more to the discussion
than whether or not he ruined U2, which is good.
On that note, stardom probably ruined U2 like it does
most bands...
I think a more interesting question might be, "Did U2 ruin Brian Eno?"
Thursday, March 24, 2005
FRANKENHEAD 4/1 John Sinclair & Live Music - T. CASEY BRENNAN!!!!
if you have any way of being in detroit on April 1st you should be there...
Brennan's Conjurella
is one of my all time favorite texts...
some of the others in the series are good...
but nothing tops Castle Mirage - The Prelude.
McSweeney's Internet Tendency: If Only They Kept Diaries: Roadrunner.
Slept in, then wind sprints. Had enough of Jimmy Buffett.
Coyote over goth phase. Practiced running-off-cliff trick,
put in call to David Blaine. Bowels better. Jumped rope
in p.m. till iPod battery died. Honk returning. Drank
apples powerbook (4 March 2005, Interconnected)
apples powerbook (4 March 2005, Interconnected):
"After a few more minutes, we had the tilt sensor controlling Timo's music. You rock the machine backwards for the next track, and rock it forwards for the previous track. Then we realised that you rarely need 'previous'--you just listen to music, and when a track comes on you don't want to hear, you jog your laptop and it bumps on to the next song (and you don't need to be in iTunes). Wicked. Tasty microembodiment."
A Lesson Is Learned But the Damage is Irreversible
via Warren Ellis
The next week our vcr and stereo were gone. The kitchen had been raided for food. Slices of bread were spread across the linoleum.
"Check the tank."
It was empty.
You'll dig it...
trust me...
Slashdot | PSP Launch Coverage
"Sony's handheld console has launched with great fanfare, and already there are plenty of places to get opinions and reviews."
When does Atari release the Jaguar Advanced?
Imagine, being to take Asteroids with you wherever you go...
ah, technology.
Wired 13.04: PLAY
Wired 13.04: PLAY:
"I suppose the record industry expected consumers to buy cassettes of the LPs, and some surely did, but hey - why not just buy blank cassettes and record tracks from LPs instead? Of course, this is what every Walkman user did, and before long there were warning stickers on records and cassettes, stating: home taping is killing music! It was a quaint forebear of today's industry paranoia over downloading and CD burning."
and it's going to be a book!
I'll rush out to my independent bookstore and grab a copy as soon as it's available...
or I'll order it from Powell's...
or something...
An Idiot's Guide to Dreaming: Showroom Dummies
"There are people who are like bad paintings of themselves."
an interesting discussion on issues of authenticity in acting and music, and A FREE KRAFTWERK mp3 to boot!!! WHOOHOO!
Just so I don't link to every word out of Momus' mouth I'll go ahead and link to someone else discussing what he had to say today...
of course you'll actually wanna go read Momus too...
"I'm grateful for the variety of consumer lifestyle choices and free information in today's society, but unless we on the fringes can band together to create a larger coalition than the mainstream plurality, we will be witness to the lowest point in mass culture history. In the 1950s, mass culture may have been vanilla, but they also had to attempt to please those with somewhat alternative tastes. Now that we've exited the main cultural spheres and are blogging to our 25-person audience, mass culture can just totally write us off and go on its way without us. "
Happy Easter!
link found at The Comics Curmudgeon.
Discovering the curmudgeon has been great for me...
now I know what's going on in "Mary Worth" and "Rex Morgan M.D."
Wooster Collective : Stickers / Posters / Graf / Culture Jamming
Wooster Collective : Stickers / Posters / Graf / Culture Jamming:
"These Galleries are just trophy cabinets for a handful of millionaires. The
public never has any real say in what art they see. Its good to screw with
the selection process sometimes. 'Comfort the disturbed, and disturb the
comfortable' as Eleanor Roosevelt once said."
right fuckin' on!
BBspot - Top 11 Geek Break Up Lines
"5.It's like in X-Men number 135, where Cyclops and Jean Grey (as The Phoenix)... "
I'm almost 35 years old and I still think this is funny...
that's because I'm also still 16...
extended adolescence to mid-life crisis to second childhood to the grave...
not a bad plan is it?
City Pages - The Undoing of America
"In other words, I put the case that Bush was never elected--not in 2000, and not in 2004. This is a new game in the world. Through the magic of electronic voting, particularly through Mr. Diebold and friends, you can take a non-president and make him president. But how to keep the people, including the opposition who should know better, so silent, this introduces us to a vast landscape of corruption which I dare not enter."
yes, I'm blogging this twice in a row...
because it's effin' G. Vidal! that's why! it's important...
City Pages - The Undoing of America
"Vidal: 'As far as I'm concerned, the only sort of proto- or crypto-Nazi I can think of is yourself. Failing that, I'll only say that we can't have--'
Buckley: 'Now listen, you queer, stop calling me a crypto-Nazi or I'll sock you in the goddamn face and you'll stay plastered.'"
The link goes to a new interview...
but I never get tired of hearing/seeing the quotes above...
If you don't know who Gore Vidal is or why you should read this...
well damn...go google I have to do everything for you people? ;)
Ten reasons why you should never accept a diamond ring
"1. You've Been Psychologically Conditioned To Want a Diamond"
Go read this and then decide if you really want to spend your "3 months salary" on slave labor, diamond wars, etc...
Wednesday, March 23, 2005 Arts & Entertainment | Audiofile
"I'm really looking forward to those Cure reissues that are coming out. '17 Seconds,' 'Faith,' 'Pornography' [which are being reissued by Rhino in April] and 'The Head on the Door' are my favorite Cure records. I really wish they would do the same thing with Prince because his records need a remastering. I bet they're going to, now that there seems to be a bit of a Prince resurgence. I'm hoping that he takes this moment where he feels like people are watching him and uses it for good and just does something stripped down and hardcore. "
I don't really know much about Spoon...but I do know if anybody fucks up those early Prince records I will personally fly to whatever god-forsaken city they are in and kick their ass.
Have you heard what they did to the singles on "hits"?
they didn't end up sounding a thing like the early Prince production which is a large part of what makes those records great...
I guess as long as I have "Dirty Mind" on vinyl they can do what they want...but sheesh...those records are perfect... Life | The devil wore J. Crew
"I've been a therapist for trauma survivors for 25 years. I would listen to story after story, and I began to wonder about these people who were hurting my patients. They sounded so different from the rest of humanity. We have this feeling that if one person is capable of doing something, then under certain circumstances we would all be capable of doing the same thing. I no longer think that's true. I think that 4 percent of us can do anything at all without guilt or remorse. And I do mean anything. "
I've, if not always, at least recently, thought that anyone is capable of anything...
hell, it's the tagline for my blog...
I don't think we can all do anything without guilt or remorse necessarliy, just that we can do it despite those feelings...
This is a very interesting and troubling article...
go read it...
What Comets, Stars and Moons are All ABout: IPods = Death of the Mix CD?
"I'm wounded. I made a mix CD for a good friend for her birthday and I sent her an email last week asking if she liked it. Her response was, 'I'm a bad friend, I haven't gotten around to putting it in my IPod yet so I haven't been able to listen to it.'"
Mix CD's arent' the same as the old cassettes, and making a playlist or a "podcast" isn't the same as either...
what have we lost? what do we gain?
can we find ways to emulate things about the lost media we like?
do you come here often?
" I wonder whether Morgan Stanley Dean Witter have ever succeeded in persuading anyone to borrow any of their vast reserves of money. I'm certainly not taking the bait. Aside from the fact that I'm terrified of debt, I feel suspicious of the company name, recalling as it does some overblown 70s progressive rock outfit with a penchant for recreating the symphonies of Dmitri Shostakovich on twin-necked guitars, with a thundering backbeat. Stanley would be the well-built, metronomic drummer with a 24 piece drum kit and the ubiquitous gong hanging ominously from a rope behind him. Witter: the geeky keyboard player who builds his own synths in his spare time, while consistently astonished that attractive women - who, until he joined Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, seemed to be repulsed by him and his Moogs - are actually willing to engage him in thrilling sexual activity in plush hotel rooms. But, of course, they're more interested in obtaining access to Morgan, the long-haired, virile vocalist with a tambourine firmly clamped in one hand and his bulging groin in the other. Dean plays the twin-neck. He's planning to form his own band, simply called 'Dean'. "
Once when I was an unemployed stockbroker I called up folks like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley and was promptly put in my place. They only interviewed new guys from the ivy league schools, etc...blah blah a brilliant working class texan with his series 7 was just beneath them...
not that that is here or there...
but the description of MSDW as a prog-rock band makes me smile.
we make money not art: Banksi at New York museums
"They're good enough to be in there, so I don't see why I should wait"
absolutely brilliant!
I'm sure it's been done before, but it's always good...
Guardian Unlimited | Arts news | Cartoonist faces Greek jail for blasphemy
"He meant it as a piece of religious satire, a playful look at the life of Jesus. But Gerhard Haderer's depiction of Christ as a binge-drinking friend of Jimi Hendrix and naked surfer high on cannabis has caused a furore that could potentially land the cartoonist in jail."
I guess Keith won't be taking any SLUMP shows to Greece anytime soon...
Tuesday, March 22, 2005 � Random Thoughts: Human Brand Condition 2005
Record a short mp3 and you’re a ringtone. Take a picture and cut it down to around 150 pixels across by 200 tall and you’re a phone wallpaper. How simple is that?
I'm not sure I'm really down with becoming a brand...but if it's inevitable I'd like to decide what kind of brand I'm gonna be...
go read mr. ellis and be inspired.
The Observer | OMM | Tom Waits on his cherished albums of all time
"Try playing with a bluegrass group and introducing new ideas. Forget about it. They look at you like you're a communist. "
Via Chet at Miscellaneous Heathen - why should you care what Tom Waits listens to?
if you have to aks you've never listened to Tom Waits.
and as a sometimes trombone player with a bluegrass band that quote made me laugh too hard not to pull it...
Stay Free! Daily: The Yes Men's Bhopal prank
But this time,Yes Man "Andy" manages to pass himself off to BBC World Television viewers as a representative from Dow Chemical. Live on camera, Andy (as "Jude Finisterra") apologizes on behalf of Dow and promises to $12 billion to compensate the surviving victims!
Monday, March 21, 2005
and I don't even drink beer or wine
Bourbon Congratulations! You're 127 proof, with specific scores in beer (60) , wine (66), and liquor (121). |
Screw all that namby-pamby chick stuff, you're going straight for the bottle and a shot glass! It'll take more than a few shots of Wild Turkey or 99 Bananas before you start seeing pink elephants. You know how to handle your alcohol, and yourself at parties. |
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My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The Alcohol Knowledge Test written by hoppersplit on Ok Cupid |
The Washington Monthly
There's a single core reason why this and so many other issues of class warfare have become increasingly acceptable: the decline of labor unions in America. None of this would happen — not PTOs, not stagnant working class wages, not skyrocketing CEO compensation, not declining healthcare coverage — if employers were forced to negotiate, market style, with labor unions that had roughly the same bargaining power as the corporations themselves. More on this later.
There is strength in a union.
Just gonna quote the same section Atrios did:
By now most people who read liberal blogs are aware that George W. Bush signed a law in Texas that expressly gave hospitals the right to remove life support if the patient could not pay and there was no hope of revival, regardless of the patient's family's wishes. It is called the Texas Futile Care Law. Under this law, a baby was removed from life support against his mother's wishes in Texas just this week. A 68 year old man was given a temporary reprieve by the Texas courts just yesterday.
Those of us who read liberal blogs are also aware that Republicans have voted en masse to pull the plug (no pun intended) on medicaid funding that pays for the kind of care that someone like Terry Schiavo and many others who are not so severely brain damaged need all across this country.
Those of us who read liberal blogs also understand that that the tort reform that is being contemplated by the Republican congress would preclude malpractice claims like that which has paid for Terry Schiavo's care thus far.
Those of us who read liberal blogs are aware that the bankruptcy bill will make it even more difficult for families who suffer a catastrophic illness like Terry Schiavo's because they will not be able to declare chapter 7 bankruptcy and get a fresh start when the gargantuan medical bills become overwhelming.
And those of us who read liberal blogs also know that this grandstanding by the congress is a purely political move designed to appease the religious right and that the legal maneuverings being employed would be anathema to any true small government conservative.
Those who don't read liberal blogs, on the other hand, are seeing a spectacle on television in which the news anchors repeatedly say that the congress is "stepping in to save Terry Schiavo" mimicking the unctuous words of Tom Delay as they grovel and leer at the family and nod sympathetically at the sanctimonious phonies who are using this issue for their political gain.
now, is there really anything else to be said?
Met up with the IBP crew at Rudz. Jennifer M. is leaving the staff, so we were having a proper sendoff...Then I headed over to Margaret's where I met up with Margaret, Charlie, and Shari...
while we were trying to decide what to do I called Aileen. Melissa, Troy and her had been at some kind of comedy improv thing and they were up for something else...
long story short...think they all ended up going home, while we headed to Super Happy to see Twineman, but it was $, on the road again...
Kyle was celebrating his birthday at E.J.'s, but by the time we got there they were charging $ no amateur strip night for us...we wandered over to Posion Girl I had whiskey, everyone else I was with drank water or soda...and it wasn't too long before we went home...
Saturday night I went to Stages to see "Boston Marriage".
It was great, sharp-tongued fast-paced fun...If you have a chance go check it out...
then I went out to Danseparc at #'s and danced... a lot...
had a great time.
And last night was the equinox party at Kirk's place...
and now I'm supposed to be working...
Sunday, March 20, 2005
X-Ray Spex: And many happy returns!
I can't believe I missed Jerry Lewis' birthday!!!
fortunately not everyone did...
C'mon, you know "Cinderfella" is funny...
and "The Nutty Professor" was sheer genius...