Saturday, October 30, 2004

I think I prefer Joy Division.

New York Post Online Edition: gossip:
"a cousin of Kerry's, Michael Paine, was a close friend of Oswald who fre quently had the assassin as a house guest. Paine even stored the rifle Oswald used to shoot Kennedy at his house."

heads or tails folks...either way we're shortchanged...
remember Neil Bush and Scott Hinckley's connection?

So, when Nader says there's no difference between Bush and Kerry in some ways he's right...
they are both reptiles from the same genealogical line...
they are both connected to the intelligence community...
they are just warring factions of elites lording over us...
Kerry understands we'll make better drones if we're taken care of just a little...that's the difference...

it's all "thesis-antithesis-synthesis"...
Bush is making extreme moves enacting "the agenda". He knows it will push us towards Kerry and the Dems that will then make other extreme moves towards enacting "the agenda"....
Bush stirs up the middle east, Kerry finishes the job.
Bush brings down our standard of living,
Kerry brings us back into the world as a weaker actor.
All moving towards...wait for it...


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