Wednesday, August 03, 2005

File Under: What the F? - NRLB Redefines 'Your Own Time'

Slashdot | NRLB Redefines 'Your Own Time':

"Doc Ruby writes 'The U.S. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has ruled to ban off-duty worker 'fraternization,' at the employer's discretion. So getting together for a beer after work can now be prohibited by the boss. With IT workers so commonly producing some of our best work 'after hours,' even at home or in restaurants/bars, will this ruling come back to bite employers in the IT industry? Can they really stop you from talking with your cubicle neighbor on the bus home, if they can't even stop you from reading Slashdot while on the clock?'"


Ron said...

Employers have had control over workers' personal time ever since the Supreme Court ruled that private sector drug testing does not violate civil rights: what that means is that your boss is allowed to tell you what to do with your life even when you're not being paid for it. Obviously, that's on the slippery slope toward slavery, even though most Americans would probably disagree with me.

Nose Cone said...

"Slavery"? Say, isn't that the name of the game?