Sunday, January 08, 2006

Project Earth: Satan is on the Prowl by Sherry Shriner

Project Earth: Satan is on the Prowl by Sherry Shriner: "Satan is real. And he is devouring the souls of men and women all over this planet and he has been doing it for thousands of years. As a fallen angel from heaven he is also the prince of demons. He controls both realms of beings, alien and the demonic.

Aliens are fallen angels. That is just another term for them. One they started referring to themselves as to hide the fact they are the fallen Watchers from heaven (Gen. 6:4) or those who rebelled with Lucifer against the Most High (Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28).

Demons are the spirits of the human hybrid children that resulted from the offspring of human women and the Watchers who left heaven to cohabitate and impregnate human women. In other words, angels left heaven to come to earth to procreate with women. Thus their offspring were half human-half fallen angel. So they weren't fully human. When these half human children died their spirits were condemned to roam the earth. (a judgment against their parents the Watchers for their rebellion in leaving heaven). The Prophet Enoch says they are called demons. And that's where we get the terminology for them. The first 15 chapters of the Book of Enoch gives great insight into the era of the Fallen Watchers (see Enoch)."

I don't think any comments I could make could teach you more than just reading the rest of the wisdom of Sherry Shriner.


Anonymous said...

I just love that story, but
I loved it more when it was called
Blade and Blade II
starring Wesley Snipes.

Kid Ornery said...

I had no idea the blade movies were documentaries!