Tuesday, May 16, 2006

This Modern World � Blog Archive � “The Conservative Nanny State” by Dean Baker

This Modern World � Blog Archive � “The Conservative Nanny State” by Dean Baker:
"For decades the media (and conservatives) have pushed a particular framing of political views on the economy: conservatives favor free market policies, while progressives want the government to intervene in the market. In fact, The Conservative Nanny State explains, this is completely untrue: conservatives are strongly anti-free market. They depend on the government to make the wealthiest people in America even more stupendously rich."

Baker's giving it away as an e-book...
go get it.

I've said again and again if you want to see an example of how the system is rigged you have to look no further than than the way the "free market" handles capital vs. how it handles labor.
Until labor is as free to move across borders and organize itself as capital is all talk of "free markets" is just so much hot air.

The game is rigged.

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