Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Nikola Tesla's 'Black Magic' Touring Car: Tesla's Free Energy Pierce-Arrow | 150th Anniversary of Tesla's Birth | What powered the electric 1931 Pierc

Nikola Tesla's 'Black Magic' Touring Car: Tesla's Free Energy Pierce-Arrow | 150th Anniversary of Tesla's Birth | What powered the electric 1931 Pierce-Arrow?: "As the story goes, Tesla inserted the two metal rods and announced confidently, 'We now have power' and then proceeded to drive the car for a week, 'often at speeds of up to 90 mph.' One account says the motor developed 1,800 rpm and got fairly hot when operating, requiring a cooling fan. The 'converter' box is said to have generated enough electrical energy to also power the lights in a home."

death rays and free energy.
right on.

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