Tuesday, February 06, 2007

NonAlignment Pact: Music in Seven Days from Seven Writers

NonAlignment Pact: Music in Seven Days from Seven Writers

If you have a way of tapping into a permanently renewing resource, and you have a way of knowing the unknowable, then where is there for you to go from there? Arrogance is just a tool for the weak. It sounds so obvious, but it really isn’t. That’s why it’s so effective. No, the truly sublime is always there, awesome and simple, brilliant and ordinary, and you have but to look at it. Are there absolutes? Absolutely. I’ve faced them. I’ve spoken with them. Why just last night I faced a facet of it and I tell you about it now in my own roundabout way. And this is coming from a nonbeliever. I have no faith in the overarching negation of will.

Sit back, stop thinking, take it all in…

And the drone is absolute.

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