Thursday, September 04, 2003

Finished the Franken book...
it's pretty great...not as funny as "Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot" but those were funnier times...
The things that stick with me the most...
1. The chapter on the Wellstone memorial...
I can't think of anything that has made me that angry in a long long long long long long long time. The way the right portrayed that event in the media is simply unforgivable...
2. The chapter on meeting Barbara Bush.
short version, "She's a bitch. Everybody says so."
I hope to have a Bar story from a friend of mine up here in the next couple of days...
3. (and this really is genius!)


I will try to give you a page or two of this in .pdf format tomorrow...
It does the best, clearest, job of defining the hypocracy of even the idea of a Christian Right...
GO READ ACTS! no, really go ahead...go get your new testament and read ACTS and then tell me what Jesus would think of voodoo economics...

too many other little great bits in there to mention...
so go buy it yourself...
or you can get in line to borrow my copy.


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