Thursday, July 28, 2005

BBC NEWS | Health | Beta-blockers 'blot out memories'

BBC NEWS | Health | Beta-blockers 'blot out memories':
"A common blood pressure drug could help people who have witnessed traumatic events, such as the London bombings, to block out their distressing memories."

Don't people remember things for a reason?
I don't like this one bit.

Can't they just go ahead and invent and legalize Soma and get this whole brave new world in full swing?


Nose Cone said...

Also just in:

Hormone Therapy Replacement (Estrogen) causes BREAST CANCER
THIMEROSOL (mercury derivative used as a preservative in Contact Lens solution and children's vaccines) causes autism.

Doc, can you give me a prescription for the PURPLE PILL? I got a feeling that will make me feel better.

Nose Cone said...

Oh, yeah, & I forgot:
Anti-Depressants make you suicidal, as do the Anti-Malarial experimental vaccines they are giving to Officers in Iraq (six suicides so far).

And Depleted Uranium (200 thousand TONS used in current war) cause cancer in kidneys, lungs & liver, and birth defects such as children born with no fingers.

Beware of that Saharan Dust, all you folks in Houston!