Tuesday, July 19, 2005

the tap on the shoulder

came today...
apparently they couldn't wait any longer for me to pass my CCNA after all...
so welcome me to the world of the unemployed...
there'll be no unemployment checks this time,
and I'm not at all sure how I'm going to handle this...
If anyone knows of ANY openings right now please let me know...
I intend to update my resume tonight and hit the bricks tomorrow.


Powergirl said...

They gave you NO notice? Just out the door asap? fuck.

Kid Ornery said...

I had got the idea that my manager was going to have to put up a fight to get me more time...but he seemed sure he could do it...
literally got a tap on the shoulder,
"come with me" went to HR,
the HR lady made sure I didn't have any company credit cards or anything while my manager went back to my desk and got my stuff...when he got back he escorted me downstairs and out of the building...
he didn't want to do it, but his hands were tied...
so, there ya go...

gie_gie said...

uh i just said a buncha stuff, but instead
it created my new blog:

cirkus mcgee

i meant to say we will make you a blu polka dot
tie and go meet the bobcat dealership and
dig up some dirt and sing take this Job

for some pictures!


*also you can always sleep underneath my
zbra snare drum, little shadow!!!

Anonymous said...

its the curse again...we cant be employed at the same time. i am convinced the reptiles dont want us to have the same employment status...we just better not be unemployed at the same time or the revolution is gonna start!