Thursday, April 06, 2006 Theatre in Houston, Tx - Forum - General Discussion - Theatre Odin Notes Theatre in Houston, Tx - Forum - General Discussion - Theatre Odin Notes: "We each are responsible for cleaning one part of the theatre. I mention this over and over, because it is the single most transformingly binding force I have encountered. To make a theatre belong to someone, give it to them. Make it their own. Even if it is only the stairs, as I had during Odin Week. Or the library/dining room, as I have now. Every wood floor in this theatre is clean enough to eat off."

although no amount of cleaning would have me eat off the axiom floor.


Powergirl said...

I can't believe you are blogging about cleaning. Who are you?

Jennifer Decker said...

Mike, would you eat off the floor at Midtown? The roaches do it, and they don't die. So it must be ok.

Kid Ornery said...

How can I be sure the food wouldn't stick to the paint at midtown?

I think if we'd cleaned midtown top to bottom it'd likely fall apart...

Jennifer Decker said...

yeah, I believe that is load-bearing paint. We wouldn't want any of it to chip off. Not to mention the lead that's probably in it.