Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Ratchet up the seduction! whooho!

Emphasis Added:

"I am beginning to think that the antidote for the conservative “medieval values” message is to turn up to volume on the corrupting seductions of modernity. Every time you have sex and don’t have to worry about becoming a parent, thank a liberal. Every time you earn a paycheck and don’t have to give 10% of your after-tax take to The Established Church, thank a liberal. Every time a 20-year old kid stuck in some dead-end town follows her dream of moving to the big city and putting the boring, oppressive past behind her, thank a liberal. Because really, those are the things the theocrats really want to put a stop to."

Well said...
Us Liberals love freedom (and we have a little thing for reason too)!
Theocrats love slavery to doctrine!

makes it sounds like an easy choice, don't it?

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