Monday, June 13, 2005 Arts & Entertainment | Audiofile - File Under: HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!! Arts & Entertainment | Audiofile

jesus h. christ on a discount pogo stick!

Salon is giving away mp3's from the ESP catalog...
and they are starting with AYLER!

go grab ghosts (version 1)...
yes, sit through the ad, or go buy a salon subscription and then you can start exposing yourself to some of the most important recordings of the 20th century...

of course, the sad thing, the people who would be excited about this already have every ESP reissue they could get their hands on, bootleg or not...
and they rest of you, well, if you haven't encountered the little lable inspired by esperanto, it's probably not gonna be your bag...
but I'm pretentious enough to say it should be...

seriously people - this is your chance to expose yourself to some really amazing stuff, fer nothing! whattaya got to lose?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree! Expose yourself! EXPOSE YOURSELF!!
