Sunday, October 16, 2005

Fafblog! the whole worlds only source for Fafblog.

Fafblog! the whole worlds only source for Fafblog.:

"FB: I bet Superman could stop a hurricane.
GOD: He could not.
FB: Could too. He can spin the earth around so time goes backwards. A hurricane’s nothin for Superman.
GOD: Well, y'know, I can do plenty of stuff. I can turn women into salt. I can make loaves and fishes - loaves and fishes like you wouldn't believe.
FB: Are you worried about the Draft Superman movement?
GOD: The what? There's no Draft Superman movement.
FB: Sure there is. They got like a blog an everything.
GOD: Huh.
FB: So did you ever tell the president to do anything about Valerie Plame? Cause I hear you got subpoenaed to testify in front a the grand jury.
GOD: I won't answer that without the advice of my attorney. Look, there's a ton of inconsistencies in the Superman gospels, ever notice that? One day he's got a fortress of solitude and a bottle city of Kandor and the next day he doesn't. Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it?
FB: Pretty much everybody thinks you gotta resign if they indict. Does the line of succession make Jesus the Acting God then or does the Vice-God take over?
GOD: I mean, people aren't gonna pray to Superman! You can kill the guy with a freaking rock!
FB: It's been great to have you here, God! Stop by anytime."


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