Monday, March 27, 2006

The Defenestration Unit - March 31 - Brasil - and, oh yeah, it's my birthday...

March 31 around 9:30 or so
The Defenestration Unit
Cafe Brasil (Westheimer and Dunlavy)
it's free.
TDU is currently, mostly, kinda:
Bill Savoie - Drums
Jeff Miller - Bass
Jim Otterson - Guitar
Ryan Goodland - Keyboard, Trumpet, Bass
Tom Zermeno - Percussion
Charlie Naked - Saxophones, whistles, etc.
Mike Switzer - Trombones
I think Candace V. might be sitting in for  a bit after midnight,
and who knows who else might show up and join in...
Welcome Jeff Miller to TDU!
He's the new guy on bass...
Mathlete left and Miller stepped in...
I think he's still figuring out exactly what he's stepped in,
but so far there's been no effort to wipe it off his shoes...
In the finest TDU tradition Ryan Goodland
will be going on hiatus after this show,
so this might well be the one show with
this particular group...who knows?
anyway, we're pretty damn good at the moment,
if I do say so myself...and I do.
So, come see the show,
and oh yeah, you can wish me a happy birthday too,
since I'll be turning 36 that night...

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