Monday, December 27, 2004

This Modern World

This Modern World: "Now I believe the Founding Fathers wanted religion in the public marketplace as a behavior deterrent because they knew they couldn't control the population, and they felt that a faith-based population would be more likely to behave. Very practical. "

Wow. So, Bill is saying the founding fathers didn't believe in religion themselves, but thought it would be good for social control and engineering...
well, duh! that's why us thinking folks are less than enamored with it...
If you want to make the "right" argument regarding the FF's and religion you SHOULD say that they believed in Christ the King and wanted a Christian nation because Jesus is the way the truth the light, etc...
saying, in effect, the elites push religion cause it makes you schlubs easier to control doesn't exactly make me wanna say, "Merry Christmas!"

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