Monday, April 04, 2005

Another reason BSG is better than real life...

I get the feeling Ron Moore actually thinks about these things...
now if only our President did...

Battlestar Galactica Blog: April 2005 Archives#a000024:
"I hope this show makes you think. I hope this show makes you question the moral choices that are being made in your name and by your representatives. I hope this show angers you at times and makes you outraged at the actions that good people like Kara and Laura sometimes take. But the show is not a polemic; our aim is not to screech and demagogue these issues in search of facile answers. Good people can make bad, even horrific decisions, just as bad people can make noble, even righteous ones. Balancing civil liberties with security is a complicated, difficult gymnastic act which defies the easy, pat answers typically served up by an hour of episodic television."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I think the dipstick Bush does think about these things, but he has an entirely different set of cultural imperatives. You and I, I think, have much too humanistic a view. He has the view of a Christian ideologue with a certain predetermined set of concepts which is in direct opposition to agnostic, atheist, secular humanist, or other similar philosophical framework. Much like the proselytizing that many Christian fundamentalists feel is important to bringing the Word to the heathen masses, he feels this is his sacred duty – self-determination and free will be damned.

Mighty convenient, is it not?