Friday, May 27, 2005

Achewood - Ray's Place - Doggs here is my advice for the week. - May 17, 2005

Achewood - Ray's Place - Doggs here is my advice for the week. - May 17, 2005:
"* A Gentle Reminder (“Disclaimer”): This is advice from a cartoon cat, and should not be taken seriously. We are not responsible for anything you do based on what Ray says, or otherwise. Do not commit suicide or otherwise interrupt the lives of others. Continue on with your life as though you had never read this column. Erase your browser history. Not for readers under 18 years of age. "

He gives better advice than I would.

I give two kinds of advice...
there's good advice,
and there's what I would do...

Ray however has the smarts for real.
Now I know how to prepare whale meat,
and so much more...

I'm glad I'm not an advice columnist.
People and their problems generally bore me.


Anonymous said...

People and their problems generally bore me.

No offense here Mike, but isn't the operative definition of a blog "a person and his/her problems"?

Kid Ornery said...

of course that comment was made in character...not actually me...
no way for you to tell though...
part of the problem with this blog, and something I've thought about is that sometimes Kid Ornery is talking here, and sometimes Mike Switzer is...
and although there is a lot of intellectual crossover the kid is even more of a self-involved asshole than Mike is, so sometimes he says particularly obnoxious things just to be obnoxious...

I just kind of thought that was a funny thing to say, so I said it...
eh, there ya go...