Friday, January 20, 2006

Tracing An Email

Tracing An Email: "Tracing An Email"

via LifeHacker...
never know when it might come in handy...


Jennifer Decker said...

Yes, you are very resourceful, Mike. Too bad imaginary emails can't be traced.

Anonymous said...

there's another one here that's pretty good. It doesn't trace imaginary ones either, Jen, but if you ever manage get them forwarded to you, this one has some helpful links. Everyone that actually knows you knows you didn't send any emails. You shouldn't put too much time into someone elses problem.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful resource, Mikey. Maybe if people knew it was this easy they wouldn't start this shit in the first place.

Anonymous said...

I think a better way to deal with those kinds are to just ram something down their throats to keep them from talking. Ever seen the banquet scene in Taymor's "Titus Andronicus"? Get a really, really big spoon like they used on Saturninus. I don't believe he ever spoke again after that. Very effective and so easy to do.

Anonymous said...

Do adults actually do stuff like that? It didn’t get left in high school? How utterly pathetic.

Anonymous said...

to be fair, it IS possible that someone is impersonating Jen and that the emails are not imaginary. Please don't jump on the accusation bandwagon, people. If you do, you're just as bad as they are.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely correct anonymous person. I think that the emails should be tracked with Mike’s link. I would imagine they are all saved. If someone was harassing me, I would certainly save the emails. Find out who the impersonator is and everyone should be happy and the world will be right again.

Jennifer Decker said...

Someone impersonating me? Wow! I must be important! If I had some shred of proof of that, i'd be inclined to believe it.

Sorry. Ok.. someone's impersonating me. Sure thing.

Anonymous said...

It seems the point of all of this is that someone is either impersonating someone in emails or lying about it. People who spread lies are usually in so much pain they need to create a situation that gives them attention for being a victim and inflict pain onto someone else by disgracing them. But it only causes things to drag on and the pain becomes deeper. Believe it or not the sooner you accept the "scrapes and bruises" that life sometimes inflicts on us the quicker you will heal. Not to mention these acts can have legal repercussions. I suggest seeking therapy and confronting your issues instead of displacing it onto others before it gets you in trouble.

Whether it is one person, or a group of people playing this childish game, the more you react to it the more you will encourage it.

As for Jen and everyone else, feeding into this childish game will only continue to encourage it. If it continues I would take serious efforts to find the source of all of this and concider taking legal action.

Kid Ornery said...


let me just make clear,
while a certain situation did make this catch my eye when I ran across it,
I posted it here because it really is good info to have...
and now I can just search my own blog and find it...
that's handy...
and I'm not making any accusations about anybody...


Jennifer Decker said...

Sorry Mike. I dont think anyone meant that you were doing anything. I'm just frustrated with people coming at me with this crap. My friends are just being protective. We shouldn't have used your blog. Erase it all if you feel the need.