Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Ezra Klein: Decision Time for the AFL-CIO

Ezra Klein: Decision Time for the AFL-CIO

The labor movement is on the move...
as a former I.W.W. member (o.k. I paid dues for 6 months...mostly so I could say, as a Wobblie, or former Wobblie), I'm all about one big union, and organizing, so I'm down with Stern...
We can't wait for the legal system to make changes...
Labors battles have always been won on the picket lines,
and there is NO reason to think the battles of the future will be different...
When people complain about me coming to work sick,
maybe I'll start reminding them that if we were unionized there wouldn't be contract workers like me here who are getting the shaft to the degree that we HAVE to come to work sick...

There is strength in a union...
until labor is as free as capital there is no free market...
open your borders and allow/encourage union organizing and then we'll talk about your precious free market...

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