Tuesday, September 13, 2005

What we dug about Maynard - Los Angeles Times

What we dug about Maynard - Los Angeles Times:
"But the difference between Maynard's brand of slacker — and with his famous aversion to work, he was certainly among the first of the slackers — and today's acne-ridden layabout is that Maynard, for all his silliness, was inherently wise. His sense of justice arose directly out of his cultural interests, not in spite of them. His character was the result of what he dug rather than what he didn't dig. His love of Thelonious Monk didn't preclude his friendship with the straight-laced Dobie. A hippie, with all of his circumscribed cultural baggage, would probably have dismissed Dobie as an incorrigible square. Maynard was nuanced enough to have friends on both sides of the radio dial."

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