Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Santa Barbara IMC: TRANCE-Formation of America

Here's a link to a .pdf of an amazing book:

Santa Barbara IMC: TRANCE-Formation of America

seriously worth your time...
whether you believe it or not.


Ron said...

Okay, so I skimmed some of this last night. I suppose they had me thinking "maybe..." right up until the point that President Ford is sticking a US flag up her butt when she was ten or so. I have to admit, however, that the portrayal of Dick Cheney as a perverted and crazed human-hunting, ass-fucking sadist was pretty gratifying.

But, in the end, I just can't possibly believe a single word these lunatics are saying. Indeed, their story is so over-the-top that it makes the whole lizard-people sidenote about Bush seem almost believable.

Best moment: Hillary going down on O'Brien while Bill walks in without noticing or caring that his wife is getting some hot lesbian and mutilated vulva sex just two feet away.

Runner up: Finding out that Bill Clinton is bisexual and into "cabooses."

Second runner up: Ronald Reagan doing coke at the White House at a party full of politicians and staffers.

Kid Ornery said...

I know from yr posts about public education that you believe the system is fucking our children, so why not go ahead and mythologize that?
I think this stuff is TRUE even if it ain't factual, you know what I'm sayin'?
The actions of the monsters in power is such that if they did these real monster things it would only serve to show who they really are, capisce?
So if she was never really told to imagine Reagan with his pants down because he doesn't like to stand on formality, is that really important?
you've seen the pic of dick cheney's huge erection with a little girl in the foreground, right? These people are monsters (and yes, I include Byrd, Clinton(s) and the rest of the big D's) and I think telling stories about them as monsters has a certain ring of, at least, truthiness, if not truth...

and it's just a damn good read...

I'm really thinking about trying to bring it to the stage...
but I worry about dealing with damaged folks for the right to do so.

Ron said...

Okay, that's a good point about mythology, and I tend to agree with you in principle. However, like Spinaltap's second album, which was so dry that it wasn't really too funny, this narrative is offered as truth, and that context, that these people actually believe what they're saying, as opposed to crafting an ideologically laden morality tale for the masses' enlightenment and/or catharsis, strikes me as undermining its mythological value. I mean, these people are on the conspiracy theory lecture circuit, speaking to people who are fairly inclined to take what they say as literal truth--their audiences are also inclined, I imagine, to buy their books and tapes and t-shirts and whatnot. Did you know that there's pretty much no mention anywhere of Project Monarch until their book was released? Within a few years, several others had recovered "missing memories" of their mind control experiences. Suddenly Monarch has a life of its own. Granted MK-Ultra really did exist, but that was more about giving soldiers LSD and whatnot. My bottom line is that stories like this end up doing much more to keep going loony conspiracy notions that distract lots of morally minded Americans, while the real monsters torment us in plain sight.

Anyway, just a few thoughts.

It is a damned good story. I hope to god you get the rights; I'll come back home to see that one--I'm seeing Jennifer Decker as O'Brien, and maybe Alan Hall as her husband. Fuck man, wait until I'm out of school, and I'll give you a Robert Byrd you'll never forget!

Kid Ornery said...

o.k. yr my Robert Byrd for sure...

but, did the people crafting the Greek myths not believe in Zeus?
The Christians not believe in Christ?

the fact that us rationalists recognize the power of myth in a story doesn't mean it has to be sold as myth, or not believed in literally by the storytellers, does it?

I just wanna hear this language spoken aloud...on a stage, "When you meet the president, imagine him without his pants on. He doesn't like to stand on formality" as an 11 yr old O' Brien is introduced to Reagan...

I have this whole secret history series running around in my head involving O'Brien, Russbacher, T. Casey Brennan, William Cooper, and other JFK, Mind Control, and UFO lore...
I think with just a bit of work I could put together at least as comprehensive and worth a leap of faith as The Bible...

but I am drunk at the moment,
and I may be crazy overall...
all I know is that reading
"Trance-formation" shifted me...
maybe more than it should've.